Important information
If you are scheduled for disconnection of water/sewer service do not make a payment online after 8:00AM on the scheduled disconnect date to potentially avoid disconnection fees or being disconnected.
Processing fees apply to all Mastercard/Visa and E-Check payments:
Mastercard/Visa Payments Up to $100 add $2.50 to payment amount.
Mastercard/Visa Payments Over $100 add 2.5% to payment amount.
Pay By Phone with Mastercard/Visa up to $100 add $2.90 to payment amount.
Pay By Phone with Mastercard/Visa over $100 add 2.55% to payment amount.
E-Checks add $1.75 (up to $500) to payment amount.
Online Portal:
Putnam Public Service District has migrated to a new and improved customer portal effective July 6, 2023.
Log in to your account by clicking on Pay Your Bill.
Review billing statements 24/7.
Access up to 13 months of statements.
Print statements.
Pay electronically.
Sign up for Mastercard/Visa or E-Check AutoPay.
Make a one-time Mastercard/Visa or E-Check payment.
Schedule payments for a specific date.
GO GREEN and sign up for E-Billing!
Pay Your Bill:
Automatic Withdrawal
Complete ACH form, attach voided check, and return to the Business Office.
Avoid processing fees and late fees.
Processed the same day each month.
Pay by Phone
During regular business hours call 304-757-6551 (Option 2).
After 4:00PM call 304-220-8220.
You must have your account number and the zip code listed on the account.
Pay Online
Click on ‘Pay Now” to make a one-time using your account number and last name.
Pay by Mail
Send check payment along with stub to: Putnam PSD, PO Box 860, Scott Depot, WV 25560
Pay in Person
Our Business Office is located at 136 Carls Lane, Scott Depot, WV 25560.
Check/money order, cash, Mastercard/Visa, E-Check accepted.
Drive-thru open 8:00AM to 4:00PM, Lobby open 10:00AM to 4:00PM, Mon-Fri.
Drop boxes conveniently located outside and at our drive-thru.
Electronic Banking
Set up automatic bill pay through your bank.
No processing fees apply.
Allow 5-10 business days for posting to your account.
If you have questions do not hesitate to contact a Putnam PSD customer service representative at 304.757.6551.